We are a family of 6; mum Stine, dad Eivind and our children
Markus (15), Celine (11), Charlotte (9) & Matilde (4)
Our dogs are a very important part of our lives. They live inside with us - and often make the rules!
They give us so much joy and love, we can't live without them.
Our house is just 30 min drive from Oslo, we have a big garden with a lot of space for the dogs.
Here they can run and play and also sleep in the shadow at warm summer-days.
We got our prefix Nordic-Ruby approved the fall of 2006. We have two litters under this prefix in 2008 and 2009
- both are Japanese Spitz litters after our bitch Tamara Snowflake.
Tammi is now transferred into Tine's ownership - she was her caretaker for a while.
We know they have a great life together!
We love to spend time at dog shows and we've had some great results! We also love to meet our friends around the ring
- this is FUN! There are so many beatiful dogs to watch! We try to merge going to shows with great trips with our friends,
our RV helps us with this - great times!
As said dogs are a big part of our everyday-life. Stine is also a member of the Afghanhounds Of Norway committee.
-She has one year left of her period there. One of their task is to arrange the Afghan Special Show every year
- and of course many other small jobs through the year. She will also be a part of Saluki Norway this year.
Yes - dogs are our lives!
The passion of dogs was brought into our family by Stine. She got her first dog in 1984 when she was eight years old.
This was a bernese mountain dog named Ruby - it was love at first sight!
She was born 18.11.1984 after N S UCH Jork-Rabben x Tosca as one of 6 puppies and named Tan Thorax Ruby
- Ruby attended at a few puppyshows but she sadly developed an underbite.
Then when Stine became ten years she got her first own dog - this was Fia with the catchy prefix name Tina Turner!
Fia was a little cairn terrier with a big attitude, maybe she lived up to her name? She was born 05.10.1986
after N UCH Igloo's Highlife x N UCH Alexes.
Fia became Norwegian Champion pretty quick and she also beame a loving mother to a litter of four amazing puppies
born 10.05.1990 - 1 male and 3 girls.
Father of this litter was N UCH Sanctimonia's Scitus - a very stunning male born 29.04.1988.
This litter was born under the prefix Cabeleo's
Cabeleo's Charlie - been shown once under judge Hans Van Der Berg.
Cabeleo's Chiba - been shown once under judge Else Martens.
Cabeleo's Cita - not shown
Cabeleo's Connie - been shown twice under judges Michael A. McCarthy and Anne Tove Strande.
One litter born 24.04.1996 under a swedish male NORD UCH NORDV-98 Rottrivers Salt'n Pepper. 3 males were born in this litter;
Charlie - Norwegian Champion
Knerten - shown several times with good results
Teddy - not shown
In 1987 Stine's family got a Leonberger - Terr-Leon's Yoko born 12.02.1987 as one of 10 puppies
after INT NORD UCH Lejonlands Don-Leo x N UCH Terr-Leon's Thyrva.
Yoko was shown several times but she never got the big wins.


Afghan hound
Angel Eyes Of Love
Mazrač Gangall Lagavulin
Gehela's Celalettin Ibn Genesis
Farytail's Endurance In Love
Rough Collie
Kikkiathy's Queen Bee

Our little sunshine was born in may 2007.
She was only 3 weeks when we took here to her first dogshow and there've been many more! She is always happy and talks to everyone she meets.
Maybe she will be a great handler when she grows up?

Our second girl was born in july 2002. She is full of energy and very independent. She always finds her way home or back to our tent when we're at shows.
She's participated at some Child & Dog competitions and loves it.

Our first girl was born in may 2000.
She's always been the sweet girls that does what she's told - but this is starting to change... She's a great bigsister.
She really loves to show dogs and soon she will show the whippet Daisy. Celine is the owner of Daisy - so this will be fun!

Our only boy born in october 1996.
He's the perfect bigbrother who takes good care of his sisters
- espacially Matilde.
When he was ten years he got his first dog -
our saluki Brum - they have a lot of fun together. Markus likes LC more then shows
so he's often the help at home when the others are at shows. He then takes care of the dogs that stay home
- he is mommy's great helper!